Supplemental Materials
Annual Meeting & Conference of the American Psychological Association | Washington, D.C. (August 3-5, 2023)
An important aspect of my research is that I strongly believe that open science is the way to create a more equitable research community. All deidentified data, syntax/code, and output files for my first-authored projects are available upon request.
The Belonging Project (2018)
Thank you for your interest in my study! Both of my first-authored posters presented at the annual meeting and conference for the American Psychological Association, held August 3-5, 2023 in Washington, D.C. were components taken from a larger, dual-institution study called the Belonging Project, which spanned 4 years of data collection (August 2018 - March 2022).
Belonging Project Study Materials:

IRB Approval Letter

IRB-Approved Recruitment Flyer

IRB-Approved Informed Consent
Background, Power Analysis, & References:

Background Presentation

Power Analysis

Master's Thesis
Survey Components:

Demographics Survey

Revised Sense of Belonging Scale

Self-Efficacy Questionnaire

Subjective Happiness Scale

Resilience Scale

Modified Stressor Scale
for College Students
Supplemental Materials
Below, please find the additional analysis and supplemental materials for the two posters presented at APA.
Embracing Connection:
A mechanism to elevate self-efficacy among traditionally marginalized students
Programs used:
Data Cleaning - Microsoft Excel, v.Microsoft 365
Demographic Analysis - SPSS, v.29
Multilevel Modeling Data Analysis - MPlus, v.8.10
Click here for supplemental materials
Demographic Analysis (SPSS):
In order to open the following files, please have a current subscription to SPSS on your computer. Please also find a viewable .pdf of the syntax and output files if you do not have a current subscription available to you.
Multilevel Modeling Data Analysis (MPlus):
In order to open the following files, please have a current subscription to MPlus on your computer. Please also find a viewable .pdf of the syntax and output files if you do not have a current subscription available to you.
MPlus syntax file (.inp) - Model 1 - Linear regression of belonging on self-efficacy
MPlus syntax file (.inp) - Model 2a - Linear regression of belonging on self-efficacy moderated by ethnicity
MPlus syntax file (.inp) - Model 2b - Linear regression of belonging on self-efficacy moderated by first-gen status
MPlus syntax file (.inp) - Model 2b - Linear regression of belonging on self-efficacy moderated by gender
MPlus syntax file (.inp) - Model 2b - Linear regression of belonging on self-efficacy moderated by transfer status
MPlus output (.pdf) - Model 1 - Linear regression of belonging on self-efficacy
MPlus output file (.pdf) - Model 2a - Linear regression of belonging on self-efficacy moderated by ethnicity
MPlus output file (.pdf) - Model 2b - Linear regression of belonging on self-efficacy moderated by first-gen status
MPlus output file (.pdf) - Model 2c - Linear regression of belonging on self-efficacy moderated by gender
MPlus output file (.pdf) - Model 2d - Linear regression of belonging on self-efficacy moderated by transfer status
Coping in a time of global crisis:
Exploring student narratives during the COVID-19 pandemic
Programs used:
Data Cleaning - Microsoft Excel
Demographic Analysis - Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, v.29
Multilevel Modeling Data Analysis - MPlus, v.8.10
Click here for supplemental materials
Additional demographic questions, a questionnaire on COVID-19, and the COPE Inventory were added to the original Belonging Project in March of 2020 with the onset of COVID-19 and the resulting global pandemic.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The Belonging Project was initially intended to be a fully quantitative survey in its inception, therefore I do not refer to it as a true mixed method study. Alongside the additional survey items added at the beginning of the pandemic, open-ended questions asking participants to describe their experiences related to the crisis were also introduced, reflecting the need to reclassify the project as multi-method. This poster is a representation of the quantitative data analysis, with qualitative, open-ended questions adding depth to our findings with individual narratives from participants.
Background Information:
Quantitative Data Analysis:
In order to open the following files, please have a current subscriptions to SPSS and Microsoft Excel on your computer.
Qualitative, Open-Ended Data Analysis:
In order to open the following files, please have a current subscription to Microsoft Excel on your computer.